Hire Me Because
Problem Solving
Quality Work
Out of the Box Thinking
My Work
Game PinPad
Tic Tac Attack
Newsletter Signup
House of Stuart
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Tindog was our first class project. I created a responsive website for a pretend app called Tindog. The site utilizes core Bootstrap components such as: Navigation Bar, Grid Layout, Containers, Buttons, Carousel, Cards.
This React base Keeper App was the final project in the Udemy Bootcamp, using props and useStates to create little notes. I mostly coded it on codesandbox.
Game PinPad
Hunt-A-Killer's Nancy Drew Mystery at Magnolia is an immersive crime solving game. A quintessential element of the game is a combination lock. However, the lock was rendered useless after the combination broke after the first use. To share the thrill of the game with other sleuths, I decided to create a pin pad for the game to help reveal the correct code. I kept it simple by using JavaScript and onclick functionality. Incorporating animate.css, altering the logo to blend in the header of the page with Adobe Photoshop. To add a little extra fun, I added some svg fun when you guess the correct code. (Hint: Inspect the js to find the code). Web development gave me a fun solution to a small problem with a fun Josh twist.
Tic Tac Attack
A vanilla Javascript project of Tic Tac Toe, with some custom styling. Learning a lot about EventListener and if statements.
Newsletter Signup
A simple Newsletter signup, using Bootstrap for style with MailChimps API and hosted on Heroku.